Thursday, May 21, 2015

Here’s Why You Need Insulation All Year Round

Here’s Why You Need Insulation All Year Round
As we all know, the seasons provide our log homes with a variety of challenges. In the winter, we have to keep our wood tight and secure, from snowstorms and other weather-related threats. Without doing so, we risk cold temperatures infiltrating our homes. In the fall and spring, we just have to make sure our wood is kept healthy through the temperature changes. And, in the summer, we have to let our wood breathe. But there is one thing that spans all the seasons: our insulation.

Insulation, of course, is what keeps temperatures out, depending on the season. It is essentially a protection in the cracks and chinks of our logs that helps us utilize the wood’s potential through caulking. Backer rod foam insulation, in particular, is one of the best methods for this. Placed in between two logs, the foam comes in three different shapes to accommodate any wood: round, triangle, and trapezoid.

Here’s Why You Need Insulation All Year Round
What backer rod foam insulation does best is keep up to date with the seasons, too. In the winter, it is the frontline in defending our log homes from the cold, as we mentioned. But, in the summer, surprisingly enough, insulation is just as important. This material can greatly prevent your log home from turning into a sauna, by keeping those high temperatures out. In both situations, also, the insulation is widely beneficial to your wood, and is guaranteed to keep them alive and well for some time.

Insulation is no easy process, though. It takes the proper time and skill, and, with seasons as serious as they can be sometimes, it’s essential that this job is done right.  That is why we are always available to take any questions or concerns you may have about your wood or insulation installation. At Schroeder Log Home Supply, we’re glad to help with anything—with summer coming up, we want to make sure our customers are well-prepared to beat the heat. Contact us for further information today!

Monday, May 18, 2015

How To Compost At Your Log Home

How To Compost At Your Log Home
 Composting can be a great way to cut down on your daily waste, and what better way is there to pay back the beautiful environment that you live in than composting?
For you log home owners, composting in your backyard will give you nutrient rich soil that can be used to feed your gardens and your laws, and all you need to do is start separating your garbage.

How do I get started?

The first thing you’ll need to do is designate a spot in your backyard that’s a bit off the beaten path, but not too far away so you won’t want to visit it a few times a week. You’ll need a shady spot that doesn’t get too wet. You can pick up a compost bin from a hardware or gardening store, or even online. All that’s left is to add your compost materials!

What gets composted?

You can compost food scraps, like lemon peels, eggshells, coffee grounds, nutshells, and teabags. Add into the compost bin newspaper scraps, yard clippings, and withered flowers. You should start out with about ¼ green material (food scraps) and ¾ brown material (lawn clippings and debris).

What are the next steps?

All that’s left is to water the compost bin once a week, and keep it covered. Don’t forget to mix it!

When is it ready to use?

You can start using your composted material when it’s dark and crumbles in your hand. The amount of time it takes will depend on what you compost (larger materials take longer to break down, but if you chop everything up before adding it to the pile, it’ll be ready to go sooner). All that’s left to do is enjoy the lush garden that your compost bin has helped to produce!
Schroeder Log Home Supply Inc. has all the quality products, materials, tools and equipment needed to help protect, clean and enhance your log home. Contact us today and let us help guide you toward the right stuff you need to get your log home and property ready for summer!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Saunas: Log Home Relaxation At Its Best!

Saunas: Log Home Relaxation At Its Best!
After a long day of work outside, either at your career, on your log home or on the area around it, you will definitely be looking for a way to relax. 

Some consider the best way to relax is using a sauna and even though it may not be a common idea, building one for your log home is actually very doable.

Before you build the sauna addition though, it is important to keep a few things in mind.

Steps to a Sensational Sauna


First off, a sauna liner kit must be purchased to help protect your home and the walls of the sauna. After all, building something like this is an investment for your home, not just a fun one time project.

When installing make sure you know whether it is going to have running water because if it isn’t no drain is necessary for the sauna.

Any vertical boards in the sauna should be anywhere from a half inch to total inch from the ground. In addition to that, the door should be cut back a half inch at the base. If both of those are done it allows fresh air into the sauna.

Also keep in mind that a sauna is a dry heat unit so any small amount of water poses no problem to the wood.

Schroeder Log Home Supply has sauna liner kits available for purchase as well as numerous items to help protect and improve your log cabin. For more information on our products and how they can help you, feel free to contact us today!

The Great Lakes Jack

We are excited to introduce the Great Lakes Jack . The Great Lakes Jack was jointly de...